
Relieving Anxiety and Calming the Classroom

Caregiver Burn-Out & Compassion Fatigue

Quickly learn rapid relief from everyday overwhelm, meltdown, confusion.  


When we use Creative Tapping Techniques for Emotional First-Aid.  The 'everyday emergencies' Life hands us demand a different kind of Tapping.  

In everyday field intervention use, classic Tapping is once again shortened and tightened for a specific usage:  immediate reduction of overwhelm, panic, shock and confusion.  Learning how to quickly bring yourself or another back to their resourceful state is of utmost importance.  Did you know that when your nervous system feels threat, that it immediately diverts up to 60% of your blood flow from your prefrontal cortex to your major muscles and respiration systems?  No wonder you can't 'think' or 'use what you know' in those times!

Learning how to do emotional first-aid is like learning how to survive a fire by practicing fire drills.  You learn it in a calm state, then deliver the response required when the fire alarm sounds.  This is like that.  

Emotional First-Aid is the kind of Tapping needed for everyday triage, traumas and overwhelms.

Over the years I've gathered a collection of fast & easy tools for speedy, effective everyday help:  for YOU, within classrooms, the workplace, your workshops, and even private practice or public intervention.  Prevent escalation and meltdown in yourself, your clients, kids, students and colleagues.  You can learn to quickly return to a more resourceful state, making better decisions, getting better results.  

It’s an essential part of any technique toolbox.  

No experience required, yet perfect for even advanced healthcare training of all kinds.  New, compact, easy.  Next date & location:  April 23rd location: Jersey City, NJ, 10-4.  

Questions welcomed: Jondi@eft4Results.com or Jondi@TappingStar.com  

Hosts and custom requests for new groups welcomed, too!

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