
Relieving Anxiety and Calming the Classroom

About Us


Sue Hubbard Tarlton and

Jondi Whitis

Sue Hubbard Tarlton:
Sue Hubbard Tarlton is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, NLP (neurolinguistic programming) master practitioner, author and life/business coach. She is a former teacher and corporate management consultant. While at IBM and Ernst & Young, she developed programs and processes in marketing, literacy and education. She is pleased for the opportunity to create structure and processes to spread the concept of tapping throughout the world.

Her New York-based television show, Celebrate U., provides insights into human behavior and explores techniques for removing limiting attitudes and beliefs. She is keenly interested in teaching tapping to children and adults because she believes it is a necessary life skill.

For more information or to contact Sue Hubbard Tarlton, please write to her at: sue@tappingstar.com.

Jondi Whitis:
Jondi Whitis is an EFT Master Trainer and Trainer of Trainers  in the NYC area.  She belongs to all the major EFT Associations, and is an Accredited & Certified Advanced Practitioner for AAMET, the international Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Therapies, where she also sits on the Training Board.

She combines her extensive EFT training with other energy work experience,  including Picture Tapping Technique, Alpha RePatterning, Brain Gym, Wellness Kinesiology, Ho'OponoPono and Heal the Child, among others.  She likes to say that she holds a BA in Psychology and a 'doctorate' in Life!

She's especially delighted to work with clients using EFT's unusual ability to provide powerful healing with gentleness, intuition, and kindness for rapid results. She especially enjoys working with children and envisions teaching a whole generation of children to become empowered, release their stress, heal their hurts and relieve pain in rapid, real-time.

Her EFT Training for Mastery classes are held monthly, in the NYC tri-state area, and you are heartily welcomed to experience and learn EFT experientially and expertly in one of these classes.  She also holds trainings each semester at UConn's School of Social Work, and has taught hundreds of traditionally trained and licensed social and healthcare professionals how to integrate the remarkable techniques of EFT into their professional practices. Please contact her for specialty groups or focus themes:  Jondi@TappingStar.com

A mixed-media artist, Jondi is also teaching artist in the NYC schools for a large literacy foundation. She also brings her experience and skills as a parent, former television producer and event manager to TappingStar, assisting in the development of its outreach, live workshops and evolution into different media.

For more information or to contact Jondi for speaking or training, group or private consultations, please write to her at: jondi@tappingstar.com.

Disclaimer: This is an independent movement created by independent EFT practitioners, united in their desire to do something positive for the world. Accordingly, this site and its events are not sponsored in any way by Gary Craig's organization, nor do they speak for him. (Emotional Freedom Techniques® and EFT® and are registered trademarks of that organization.) Practitioners and events naturally will vary, and therefore TappingStar is not responsible in any way for the use of information presented on this site. Please also note that EFT is not put forward as a replacement for proper medical advice and physicians should be consulted where appropriate.

EFT®, Emotional Freedom Techniques®, was founded by Gary Craig. Please note that neither he, nor his organization, www.garythink.com, is sponsoring this site (or any other).

As with all health practices, including physical, mental or behavioral, please note that all EFT practitioners urge you to bring these procedures to the attention of your physician(s) as they may reduce the need for drugs, surgeries, radiation and the like. Nothing contained herein should be considered a medical claim or medical advice. You may want to learn more about EFTand its benefits. The information and balancing instructions offered are given in good faith, and not meant as a replacement for your physician or healthcare provider. Please exercise common sense, good judgment and caution in all your healthcare decisions.

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