
Relieving Anxiety and Calming the Classroom

Best Practitioner Event of the Year...is Almost Here

Event Details

Best Practitioner Event of the Year...is Almost Here

Time: May 13, 2016 at 4pm to May 15, 2016 at 5pm
Location: The Villa Roma Resort Hotel
Street: Villa Roma Way
City/Town: Callicoon, NY 12723
Website or Map: http://SpringEnergyEvent.com
Phone: 347-967-6444
Event Type: live, weekend, gathering, of, presentations, &, workshops
Organized By: Jondi Whitis, Host & Founder of the Spring Energy Event
Latest Activity: Apr 27, 2016

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Event Description

Every year....we gather in Community.  This Connection is the lifeline we Tappers, Practitioners, Caregivers and Helpers in the world all need to refuel and rejuvenate ourselves for this work we do in the world.

May 13th he 2016 Spring Energy Event convenes again, and with it, speakers and presenters a-plenty, rooms full of like-minded energy workers, healers, practitioners, tappers, students and masters.  It's all about creating that Community, Connection and support for one another, as we go about the purpose and business of helping a world in need.  And this year, we even welcome Alison Morris to the Presenters!  Sharing the insights and wisdom around parenting challenging children, you won't want to miss the singular opportunity to meet her in person, commune with her, receive empathy and guidance and more.  How can you say no to that?   You can't!  : )

For the price of your comfy room and sumptuous food, you can join us for the best value and fun of the entire year.  This year we'll be gathering at VillaRoma, a family owned resort hotel in the lower Catskill Mountains of NY state.  About 1.45 hours north of New York City, you'll find comfort, friends, support, networking and a brand range of fantastic programs.

www.SpringEnergyEvent.com   A few more rooms and seats remain - grab yours here: www.VillaRoma/com/Accommodations  Use our event code to get the event & special program pricing: 1103X5 

And there's even a May 16th workshop that follows, if you wish:  Destination: Transformation, especially for those who help the world. Transform the bit that holds you back in a warm, supportive, lovingly insightful workshop with TapFest leader Jondi Whitis and spiritual leader Kristen Ferraro. More info is on the Spring Energy Event site.

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