
Relieving Anxiety and Calming the Classroom

Kids That Cut: Decoding Self-Harm Behaviors

Event Details

Kids That Cut: Decoding Self-Harm Behaviors

Time: October 18, 2012 from 8pm to 9pm
Location: EFT Radio Online & BlogTalkRadio.com
Street: Anywhere in the World YOU are!
Website or Map: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/…
Phone: 347-215-6833 or listen by streaming on web
Event Type: live, radio, interview, &, archive
Organized By: Jondi Whitis
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2012

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Event Description

Counselor and trainer George Brooks brings over 30 years experience working with kids in schools and youth groups to your doorstep, here on TappingStar.  George shares his insights and best practices about a subject many feel taboo: kids that cut, and other self-harm behaviors.

Decoding the behaviors and choices is the first step in understanding, and George is just the man to do it.  Here's  clarity and real boots-on-the-ground help on a subject many "shy and deny", mostly because they don't understand it and have no tools to offer. Can they stop? Should we stop them?

Brooks wants to bust the taboos around these behaviors, for a more effective and productive outcome for all. Join us for in-depth observations and the grounded, loving approach he offers the kids he supports and assists to new paths of coping and triumph.  EFT enthusiasts will love how he uses the power of EFT to empower children who self-harm to see new choices and real freedom.

George Brooks is an accredited EFT counselor and trainer, as well as an Occupational Health Counselor supervisor and Lecturer in the Counseling program at Manchester University. He welcomes your questions on the ChatRoom, or by writingJondi@TappingStar.com

TappingStar host and CoFOunder Jondi Whitis is a NYC-based EFT Trainer and Practitioner, welcoming private clients and students of EFT for mastery and results. She's available for presentations, groups of all kinds and private consultation on the Tappingstar.com site, or Jondi@eft4Results.com


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